Saturday, March 1, 2008

Blogging to the Bank a Scam? Reviewed Here!

Blogging to the Bank is the top selling course that teaches people how to make money BIG TIME from blogs. Rob Benwell, the creator, has proven to be able to make over $34,000 a month from just one blog alone!

I love blogging to the bank. It has really taught me a thing or to on how to set up some blogs and easily at that. Rob basically gives a blueprint in which he uses every single time he makes a blog and promotes it.

Here is a little bit of what you will learn:

-Keyword research
-Blog Optimization
-Traffic Generation Techniques

There are a lot more things you will learn, but I am not allowed to tell you all the secrets. If you would like some more information on this course, then feel free to check out Blogging to the Bank today!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Top 3 Ways to Have the Money Rolling in from Blogging

By Ashley McAllister

Wouldn't it be nice to wake up every morning and be like hey don't worry I don't have to rush to get ready to go to work; my work is right in the living room. Go out to the kitchen make some breakfast and then get down to work. That is the best thing about having your own business. You can be late as many times as you want.

Everyday you have to wake up knowing that you are just going to be getting more demands from your jerk boss. It can be very frustrating to be motivated to go to work especially when you feel that they don't even pay you enough. Many people that start to feel this way will start to steer off into creating their own business. There is nothing better then waking up everyday to know that you are your own boss and can actually sleep in for once.

If you are thinking about a lifestyle like that then you should look into internet marketing which is a field that is booming. There are bunches of ways you can make money on the internet and I am just going to share a couple ways with you on how to do it. Some of the ways are with affiliate marketing, Google ad sense, and traffic generation.

A really good way to make a living is thru affiliate marketing and it is one of the easiest things to do and also the most profitable. Just make a website or landing page with a blog or your choice and create some content. You can then recommend a product that you feel will help others out that are relevant to the content you are trying to teach. This is really easy because when people are clicking on the products and purchasing them through your link you will be making a commission off of it.

Another good way to make money on the internet is Google ad sense. This is when you put Google ads all over your website and when people click on them Google gives you money per click. Also I'm pretty sure if you do some research there are other websites out there that will give you commission just like Google does.

The last way to make money I'm going to talk about today is traffic generation. That's when you have traffic come into you're website by going into forums and telling people about your website. Also another thing you can do to get traffic generation is start your own website and start writing articles. Writing articles is the best way to make money and promote your site. When you write articles you make sure you distribute them all over the net to different directories to get more exposure.

So I have told you some great ideas to make money today but I believe the best is affiliate marketing because you can literally lay back and watch the money just roll in. Just always remember that the more work that you put in the more money that will come out. Always stay true to your goals and you will have no problem with succeeding.

For more information, you can check out: Blogging to the bank

Friday, February 8, 2008

Blogging to the Bank Review

This is a good review of blogging to the bank. This is a video that takes you through the book and tells you what you will learn.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Blogging to the Bank - Create Blogging Empire

Blogging the the bank is the best money making course on the internet for blogs today. It teaches step by step how to set up a blog and then start making money from it.

At first this course has come out and made a lot of money. But, then the author decided to take it off the market only to make it better the second time. So, now the course is new and improved with more money making techniques.

The course follows a 7 Step blueprint that is very easy to follow and understand. The reason that blogging to the bank has had much success is because it usese many free ways to make money online.

Ill give your one hint. You are looking at it right now! Blogger is a free site to use to blog with and is one that is especially used in this course.

For more information check out: Blogging to the Bank

Monday, February 4, 2008

Blogging to the Bank


You are at the Blogging to the Bank blog. Here you will soon find that you can be updated with information on the Blogging to the Bank program. You can learn many new things on how to make money from blogs with this program. Try and stay tuned to this blog as it will be updated regularly.

Thanks and See you soon!

Google Blog Search: blogging to the bank

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